From early writings in a Venice studio apartment to a North Hollywood apartment where the songs were first recorded using wave files and playing over a Roland Groove box and a Radio Shack Karaoke machine, the first song “Ego” was born. Being an entrepreneur Skum and Robyn burned discs night after night and spent hours at Kinkos making the 3 song demo which was later distributed and sold thousands throughout Hollywood nightclubs.

After more songs from Skum’s mind escaped with the approved additions from Robyn Sin‘s guitar work accompanied by a demand from local clubs for more music, the 6 song “I’m so Evil the Devil worships me” was released in early 2000. Thoughts of a band began to emerge however Skum and Robyn took the cd’s on the road while working forProfessional Murder Music. Skum arranged for the cd to be played prior to PMM’s set and crowd interest set in as Skumlove began to sell records on the road without playing a show. As the demand increased Skumlove burned more discs on the road and printed more artwork to support the demand. After all was said and done Skumlove had sold almost 10,000 records in the US alone. Like an Infection Skumlove was in the bloodstream of the Underground rock scene.